Desktop chair of 2006 VS gaming chair of 2020

Just after the beginning of the lockdown in France, I started homeworking full time. I quickly realized that my old computer chair of 2005 was not good enough to sit from eigth to ten hours per day in front of my computer.

I bougth this chair sixteen years ago when I was a student. It was fine for years but currently:

  • the foam of the seat is near to zero
  • I sometime feel some pressure on the elbows. Because armrests are made with a narrow piece of hard plastic.
  • there is no neck support because the chair back stop after the shoulder

2005 desktop chair

Ordering new chair with the lockdown was not really easy because:

  • delivery is a little bit chaotic and delay could be longer than two weeks
  • buying a chair online is not really easy. Finding the correct size is not simple and I spent a lot of time to look at sizing chart of the different supplyer

I choose a DxRacer Formula 08 and I was lucky to receive it two days after ordering!

2005 desktop chair

After two weeks of usage, here is the summary.


  • the wide and soft armrests are really confortable. The armrest are fully covered by a very soft material. I really like it; and now I consider that the armrest of my old chair were horrible
  • the armrest are said 3D. You can adjust the heigth, the angle and the distance from the back. It is really cool, but I wish I could pull them backward with two or three additionnal centimeters. I like to work very close from the desktop. Maybe I got shorter arms than the average :-)
  • the neck support and neck pillow are helpfull. Where I read a doc or watch a video, you can fully lean against the chair back


  • my gaming chair have a lumbar pillow and I sometimes felt a litte tension in the lumbar at the end of the day. I had the feeling that the lumbar pillow was too big for me. Either my back is flatter than the average or my weigth is to low for this pillar.
  • the major difference between a gaming chair and a traditionnal desktop chair is the angle between the seat and the floor. With gaming chairs the seat is not really flat, there is a small angle. Exactly like if you were sitting in a sport car, you lean backward. With this position, it's more difficult to spread the legs behind the desk.

angle comparaison

I'm happy with my new chair. The only problem is the lumbar pillow. I finally discovered a Reddit post describing the same feeling with the lumbar pillow. I will probably customize it by removing extra foam inside. There is a zipper and the foam is easily accessible.

angle comparaison

By @Romain JACQUET in
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